AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And Then

Friday the 23rd, the baby and I flew out of our small town airport in a "turbo prop" tiny tiny plane...
The baby screamed when it took off, shaking down the runway, and I tinkled a bit.

He did become a pro after awhile, yanno, he is a thrill seeker and wouldn't let anything like shaking seats and rattling metal stop his curiosity.

"MOM, are we there yet?"

After a long day of airport running, security, more running (to catch a delayed plane!!), some waiting, followed by a shuttle van driven by a gentleman whom must have been in a delusion involing a yellow cab and New York City traffic. The van ride should have had the traditional amusement park warnings......

We did get to see, the Swan & the Dolphin Hotel on Disney Property and the coolest transport around.

All in all, Gage did swimmingly! and I, well I, Survived!

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